Creating a Winning Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitaes (also called “CVs” or “vitas”) and resumes both have similar purposes —
As job-seeker marketing documents that provide key information about your skills, experiences, education, and personal qualities that show you as the ideal candidate. Where a resume and a curriculum vitae differ is their use, format, and length. Below are some tips to help you get started with your writing and preparing your vita.
A curriculum vitae — often called a CV or vita — tends to be used more for scientific and teaching positions than a resume. Thus, CVs tend to provide great detail about academic and research experiences. Where resumes tend toward brevity, CVs lean toward completeness.
Unlike resumes, there is no set format to CVs. While the following will provide a few links to free samples CVs, it is best to also discuss any special formatting your field requires with a mentor or trusted member of your network. There are also a few books that provide much more depth on the subject.
While CVs do not have the one-page rule of resumes, you need to walk the line between providing a good quality of depth to showcase your qualifications and attract potential employer interest and providing too much information thus appearing verbose and turning off potential employer interest.