Finding Your Passion In Work

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

Theodore Roosevelt


Ask yourself: If you could do anything for 8 hours a day for the rest of your life, and money were no object, what would you do?

One of the big blessings of living in a democracy is the ability to pursue one’s own path, and the idea that anyone can pick him or herself up by the bootstraps and achieve great things. Of course, survival and success are inescapably connected to work, but we have the luxury of deciding how fun our day-to-day work is going to be. Sometimes that comes as a tradeoff for pay, but spending 1/2 your waking hours doing something you love is often well worth it. And I’m convinced that the people who are best at what they do tend to be the ones that love it the most.

Sometimes it’s important to remind ourselves why we’re doing what we’re doing, and to take inventory of our dreams.

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