Job interview done? 6 things to do in the next 24 hours
Time is of the essence after a job interview. You have a small window during which you can reaffirm that you are the best candidate for the job, and address any concerns that may have surfaced during the meeting. Here are 6 other things to consider doing:
Compile your thoughts
Your interview holds valuable information that you don’t want to forget. “Go somewhere right after the interview, like a coffee shop, and write down everything you can remember about the interview,” says Lisa Quast, founder of employment consulting firm Career Woman, Inc. She advises putting down any observations about the office, hiring manager or anyone else you met, as well as asking yourself if you can picture working for this company and/or this person.
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Send a thank you note
Whether you’re emailing your note or sending it via snail mail, send it sooner rather than later–preferably in the first 24 hours post-interview, says Quast. Use the thoughts you compiled immediately after to help you write. If you send it via snail mail, make putting it in the mail a priority.
Contact your references
If the hiring manager asked for your references, you should let them know they might be called. “Even though you have no doubt already gotten permission from your references to use their names, you want to give them a heads-up about the interviewer calling because you want them to be as prepared as possible,” says Cheryl Palmer, founder of Call to Career, a career coaching firm. “You may want to send them the vacancy announcement for the position and ask them to highlight certain aspects of your background that are relevant.”
Thank your “in”
Did someone help you get this interview? Be sure to tell them how it went and give your thanks again. “The person who helped you will surely want to know the outcome,” says Palmer. They may also be able to follow up with an extra good word or two to the right person.
Continue to work on other leads
The fact is, the job market remains competitive across almost all industries, and stopping your search while you wait to hear back can cause you to lose momentum. “A job search is not a linear process and you may have multiple opportunities in flux while you wait to hear back on the interview,” says Amanda Haddaway, human resources consultant and author of “Destination Real World: Success After Graduation.”
Stay off social media
Sharing about your interview on social media rarely helps, and can definitely hurt, your chances. “It may be tempting to alert your network on social media about an interview if they know that you are job searching, but if you want to let them know, it’s best to do it through email or over the phone,” says Palmer. “Once you put something out on social media, you no longer have control over who sees it.”