5 Words and Phrases to Remove From Your Resume

5 Words and Phrases to Remove From Your Resume - KBIC Food Science
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Your resume is one of your most powerful tools as a job seeker. It’s the first impression a potential employer gets, so you want to make sure you’re making the most of it and not filling it with words and phrases that aren’t going to make an impact. If the following terms are on your resume, it’s time to make some changes:

Objective. Does your resume still start with an objective? If it does, make this the first change to your resume. Instead of using prime resume real estate with an objective, replace it with a one or two sentence summary that tells employers what you can do for them.

Responsible for. If it isn’t on your radar yet, you want to use your resume to highlight what you’ve achieved in your professional career and not to list your duties. Instead of telling hiring managers what you were responsible for in a past position, summarize the results of your responsibilities and the impact it had on the bottom line.

Expert. Even if you’re extremely knowledgeable on a topic and you have years of experience, there’s always something that you can learn.

Results Oriented. If you’re not providing any context around this phrase, it’s best to leave it off your resume. Show hiring managers how you’re a results oriented individual with specific examples and numbers to back it up.

References Available. Letting an employer know that your references are available is yet another waste of space on your resume. If you’ve made it to the next stage and a hiring manager is interested in contacting your references, he or she will ask you to provide this information.

Your resume should contain factual information about what you’ve accomplished and showcase how your experience can help an organization achieve its goals.

For more tips and tricks on how to write the perfect Resume, CV, Cover Letters, Emails and more, click here!

Source: Careers in Food

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