7 Ways To Tailor Your Resume For A Leadership Position

How long have you been in your role for? Do you think you are ready for a mid to senior level shutterstock_211599628leadership role? Just because you’ve been in a role for a few years or have spearheaded a few projects, it does not mean your company feels you have the necessary experience or background to be in a leadership position. However, Cheryl Simpson shares seven strategies you can leverage to tailor your resume for the maximum impact to obtain that leadership position no matter what anyone assumes!

  1. Revamp Your Resume’s Keywords – be sure to include industry-specific keywords multiple times so computer databases can count the number of times you used those words in your resume and rank you higher.
  2. Reposition Your Resume’s Summary – Alter your career summary to highlight your strategy skills and experience.
  3. Clarify The Context Of Each Position, Promotion, Or Achievement – If you received a promotion include a brief overview of each role.
  4. Front-Load Your Resume’s Achievements With A Strategic Focus – Clarify your strategic impact to showcase you’ve had influence on a company’s strategy
  5. Align Your Education & Extra Sections With A Leadership Focus – Include present or past volunteer leadership roles, for profit or not-for-profit committee roles or even leadership courses you took during grad school.
  6. Use The Job’s Title As Your Resume’s Title – Use the exact title of the leadership position you are pursuing into your resume to build on the keywords mentioned on your resume.
  7. Harness Your Career Brand In A Tagline – create a big picture with a powerful statement that encompasses your entire career and not just your most recent role.

How will you shift your resume for a leadership opportunity?

Source: http://www.careerealism.com/tailor-resume-leadership-position/#7vIr0Q28iOkz9HU8.99