The Key to a Great Team is “Great” People


Looking for qualities that can be clearly defined and measurable to create a great team from is a simple, but common mistake that many leaders tend to make. Those who focus on the numbers and definable attributes are failing to see is that every employee brings different skills and attitudes, so the key to a great team are employees that are collectively great.

What key attributes must you have?

  • What would you choose as the most important skill or quality an employee needs to be successful in this position and on this team?
  • “Training can fill in the gaps, but this is the attribute almost every employee must possess.

What key attributes cannot be on your team?

  • suggests simply finishing this sentence: “I don’t care how great he/she is, I don’t want him/her on my team because he/she…”
  • This typically isn’t a skill based attribute but more likely an attitude or personality trait you make sure stays off your team.

If you build a team with complementary skills “you can take on a great team player who is technically weaker, or a loner who is a outstanding problem solver, or a person with limited experience who possesses incredible hustle and drive.”

“Never assume the only individual attributes that matter are attributes that can be measured.” Where teams are concerned, “success is almost always the result of intangible qualities.”



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