Top Jobs! Top Pay!

medical and tech jobsAll jobs are not created equal.  Those seeking employment in 2013 want employment opportunity, good salary, manageable balance of job and life, and job security. The U.S. News Report has recently identified the top jobs that meet these criteria.

You might find a dentist at an outpatient care center or hospital, but you are most likely to visit one at a private office or clinical setting. Dentists work alongside dental assistants, who help with record-keeping, sterilizing instruments, and teeth-cleaning. And like a dental hygienist, a dentist might also clean teeth and educate patients on proper dental care. Their other duties could also include extracting teeth, fitting dentures, and filling cavities. Some choose to specialize in areas that range from treating serious oral problems and diseases to straightening teeth and performing oral surgery. The profession is expected to grow 21.1 percent by 2020.

The expansion of pediatric care to geriatric care has created an explosive need for nurses. Nurses will always have job opportunities. As the population ages, the necessity grows exponentially. Between 2010 and 2020, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects registered nurse employment growth of 26 percent, thanks in large part to higher healthcare demand from aging Baby Boomers.

With excellent job prospects and a solid average salary, the pharmacist profession ranks high on the list. Pharmacists in the United States dispense medicine and advice in tens of thousands of retail pharmacies and hospitals, as well as in mail-order, clinical, or corporate settings. Earnings potential remains relatively high in the field, and wages have climbed slightly from a year ago.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 25.4 percent employment growth for pharmacists by 2020, with the field adding 69,700 new jobs.

Think of a computer systems analyst as a tech project manager. The often act as a liaison between the IT department and a client, and have influence over both the budgetary and technical considerations of a project. Determining how a computer system can best serve a business or organization’s needs is a key role of a computer systems analyst. Demand for computer systems analysts should grow at a steady clip this decade, as businesses and organizations increasingly rely on information technology.

Of course, physicians are always going to be in demand.  They have undergone the extensive years of study and training to officially add that title to their resume and practice medicine. Physicians diagnose and treat patients and instruct patients on disease prevention.  And like other jobs in the healthcare industry, physicians will see abundant job growth to 2020.

The aging population and expansion of technology have created job openings that are not only lucrative but provide job security like none other. There is no time like the present to think about this when designing your career goals.

Source: “Physician.” Job Overview. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

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