Try these 5 things to stop feeling stuck in your current position

screw-1924173__340Try Putting Other People First

The key to having a successful relationship, in both your personal and professional life, is to try focusing on the needs of those you choose to include. In order to surround yourself with people who will have a positive impact on your life and ambitions, you must first try to think about what positives you have to offer them. In other words, don’t focus on what people can do for you. Consider how you can connect them with opportunities, and you will find yourself as someone people want to help.

Skip the Cynicism

It’s easy to sit back and thumb your nose at the efforts of those who try and fail over and over again, but by doing that you are helping no one, especially yourself.  Success is so often the product of hundreds of failures. Inventors, entrepreneurs, artists, almost anyone who has ever built anything that was truly valuable, possessed one major trait: Optimism. Those who stay optimistic are able to eventually become successful because they don’t allow their failures to keep them from trying again. 

You are You

Whether you take credit for someone else’s efforts, fabricate your resume, or lie about your salary as a negotiation tactic. Sooner or later, someone is going to discover your dishonesty and if they don’t, you’re still not doing yourself any favors. It is much easier to say who you really are and what you have done then to have to explain that you are not who or what you have claimed to be AND that you lied about it for your own personal gain. Also, how exhausting will it be to keep up with an image and career that is not really yours.

No one becomes a rock star overnight

No matter what you choose to do, it will take time before you are good at it. Learning to play an instrument, or to speak a second language, really anytime you want to develop a new skill, you have to understand that you are not going to be good right away. You must also understand that you don’t have to be. What you do have to do, is start, be consistent, and don’t quit.

Remember that nothing lasts forever

When you’re stuck in a career that you don’t enjoy, it can feel like you’re trapped and you never get to be happy again. Like you’re never going to get free, never going to enjoy your job, never going to be appreciated by your manager, and so the list goes on and on. Really though, nothing lasts forever. The world is constantly changing for the better and for the worse.  Tomorrow, or even today, you could get a new manager, a word from a contact with the right person at a new company, or an opportunity to go back to school and re-skill for something different. Any of these things can happen anytime.

The famous quote is “All things come to those who wait,” but really it should be, “All things come to those who try.” If you keep trying and keep working, eventually you will get to where you are going.

Source: CareerNews